+494030776926 readktion@robaimages.com
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ROBA IMAGES offers a full service for photo- and connected video-productions. Additionally to the photo shoot we also coordinate-if the client wishes-the shooting of backstage-, making-of-, image- and mood-videos. The service includes the coordination and execution of all logistics. With a team of internationally experienced casting directors ROBA IMAGES offers custom-made castings. An established international network of model agencies enables the best possible service on the best possible terms for every client. The in-house art-buying unit always keeps an eye on active international campaigns, researching the current trends (photography, make-up, artists, stylists, models etc.), independently of active and ongoing shootings. ROBA IMAGES cooperates with a worldwide network of suppliers, small specialised image agencies as well as global organisations, depending on the client’s wishes and the requirements of the projects.

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